I have always been interested in near death experiences since my mom told me that my grandmother had one right before she died of cancer. She saw a pretty room like a waiting room with lots of light and lace.

It wasn't until last year I went on a hunt to find others who have had near death experiences and it brought me to this book: Evidence of the Afterlife by Jeffrey Long with Paul Perry. In it they break down 9 categories of proof that there is life after death: lucid death, out of body, blind sight, impossibly conscious, perfect playback, family reunion, from the mouths of babes, worldwide consistency, and changed lives. It's truly amazing that he says that just 1 category of evidence is enough proof that an afterlife exists and he points out 9 of them.
This book has truly changed my perspective on life with all the personal accounts people share that are so similar and so remarkable. It is a great book to read if you want to shift your focus heavenward and to not fear death. I truly do not fear dying anymore (well I'm scared of dying painfully of course, but not what lies after). It's great information from a scientific and evidence perspective which is very helpful to help us along in our faith. You can check out even more NDE on the website here which has continued to grow and add even more stories since this book was written.
My favorite story from the book was actually quite short, but very momorable. One guy said that while inn heaven he talked to God and he said that God has the best sense of humor and that he never laughed harder in his life.
What a blessing to walk away with such an amazing gift of a near death experience, Yes, it may be rough to have one (because, well, you almost die), but the memory they say is more real than any other they have ever had. These experiences are so powerful that it changes most people's lives dramatically and they end up working in some field that helps people within 10 years.
Now, I wish this book went more into detail on God and Hell near death experiences. There is a second book that talks about God in the Afterlife and I will do a review on that book in a couple of months, but there isn't much on Hell in his books but I know people have them.
My cousin's uncle had a near death experience of Hell, but when he told people everyone just laughed at him. He was not saved and he later died not being saved because he eventually stopped talking about it and never got the information he needed. My heart aches over that story and I need to ask you to always take near death experiences seriously because it could mean someones eternal life.
Now, I don't take this book and these experiences as being more credible than the Bible because there is still so much we don't and probably won't understand about what theses people experience. However, I do think God gives people these near death experiences for a reason - and there could be a lot of reasons. For example, it could be to witness to someone (like in the movie Heaven is Real), or it could be to turn someone off the road to Hell, or it could be to get someone into the position where God has called them and they could help people.
I truly recommend this book. It is presented to a factual and informative way kinda like a research paper which can make it a little hard to read, but the information will blow your mind. What people see and experience is beyond anything you can imagine. it makes you excited to go to Heaven!
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