So my pick of the month is the wonderful movie God's Not Dead 2 (2016). I didn't even know this movie existed until recently. I wish that advertising for Christian movies in general were better. It takes so long for me to hear about some of these amazing movies since I don't have cable.
God's not Dead 2 is about a history teacher, played by Melissa Joan Hart (a Christian by the way), who answers a students question in class about Jesus and winds up in court against the school since she won't apologize because she didn't do anything wrong. Through a long process, she fights the school with her attorney Jesse Metcalfe (also a Chrisitian). This movie is inspired by many court cases that have taken place over the years. You can read more about them here.
I always get so into these movies because I hate it when Christians are treated unfairly because of our beliefs. It was a little over dramatized, sure, but very good and kept me enraptured until the end. It had me wondering if my faith would be as strong as hers if I were in that situation and the world was against me. If I'm not there yet, I pray to be there one day.
During the court proceedings, there is a lot of good information presented and there are even some great guest witnesses. Naturally you can see how God is working though everything making it look like there was no way she was going to win, so that God could make His name great with an amazing comeback. Hopefully that doesn't give away too much, but even so it is well worth watching for yourself. Beautifully scripted and they even touch upon the worry and pending issue of the government regulating what pastors preach.
I will say the one thing that really struck me the most was the big push for separation of church and state by the school. It never had truly occurred to me before, but there is no such thing as separation of church (religion) and state, at least not really. The fact that our schools teach the evolution theory (a belief that falls under Atheism) but refuse to present any other beliefs is a perfect example of this. If they taught all popular beliefs about topics in classes such as history and sciencet (Christian, Muslim, Jewish, etc.) then it would be unbiased. But I digress....
Please go out and watch this movie. You won't be sorry you did and please encourage your loved ones to watch as well. It may just answer some questions for you and for those you know.
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