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Guided Nature Prayer Walk

Fall is here and nature in New England is changing to display it's beautiful autumn colors. Fall is my favorite season (I love the start of all the seasons though. I like the change) because of the cooler temperatures, the colors, the smells, etc.

Anyway as things start to cool off and we can get enjoy nature without all the humidity and bugs, I feel inspired to create this guided prayer walk for anyone who wishes to use it.

Often times prayer can be hard. There are so many tools and tricks out there to help keep your prayer life fresh. I know I can be inspired by a new way to refresh my prayer life only to get tired of it and have a hard time keeping up with it. We get distracted easily and sometimes it can feel like work.

Well here is an opportunity to immerse yourself in prayer while enjoying the beautiful nature God has created for us. Follow these steps to lead you through your walk with Jesus. You can print out the pdf I've attached at the end and carry it in your Bible.

You are going to engage your senses to really take in the nature around you as well as pair it with the format for prayer: ACTS. ACTS stands for Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, and Supplication (or prayer requests. Please carve out as much time as you need for this walk. The more time you set aside, the more time you will get out of it.

Things you will need for this walk:

- Comfortable clothes appropriate to the weather

- This guide: printed or video version

- Your Bible (optional since I provide verses for you)

- Water and a snack (You will see why)

- And some way to photograph or draw to create a souvenir of your adventure

So let's begin.


Verses about God's creation (visual)

Embark on your journey taking in everything you see. Really look and think about the above verses. Get close to things and look at the intricate detail God put into the different leaves, the bark of a tree, the sky, etc.

When you are ready (perhaps even as you look at all these things), praise God for nature. Praise him for the beauty and peace it brings to us. Perhaps a song will come to mind and you can sing or hum it as you walk. Take time to truly praise him for the God he is.

Verse or quote about how He is God and we are not.


Verses about God's forgiveness and importance of confession

Take time right now to listen. Perhaps close your eyes and listen to the birds. Listen to the wind rustling the trees. Maybe you can hear cars in the distance. Take in the tranquil and relaxing sounds.

When you are ready find a place to sit and reflect on your sins and confess them. You can do this quietly, in a journal, or if you are brave out loud. Be honest and listen to that still small voice inside of you revealing what you need to know. Often times we can sin and not know it until the Holy Spirit tells us, so be open and listen. Then repent of those sins and thank Him for the revelation.




Here we are going to take time to engage two of your senses. Let's start with touch. Feel the wind hitting your skin or perhaps even the stillness. Walk around and feel the rough bark of a tree, the grains of dirt of the earth, a solid rock, the soft delicate petal of a flower, etc. Get your hands out and enjoy the sense of touch God gave us.

Next take in a deep breath through your nose. What do you smell? Dirt? A river? Pine trees? Inhale the subtle fragrance of nature. You can take time to smell different flowers.

When you are ready, thank Him. Thank Him for everything you are thankful for. I once saw a sign that said "What if you only had today what you thanked God for yesterday?" So thank Him for everything because He gave you everything. Life. Nature. This time to be with Him.


SUPPLICATION (or prayer requests)


Finally we come to the last part of your journey with Jesus. Have a snack with Jesus. Grab that yummy, healthy snack you brought and enjoy it. I mean really engage in it. Think about how it came from the earth you live on and how God made it that way; whether it be a piece of fruit, a granola bar, yogurt, etc. God made this delicious food to nourish your body. Close your eyes and savor the flavors.

When you are ready, talk to God. Jesus is your best friend and He wants to hear from you so pray for your loved ones, pray about your worries and fears, pray for your community. Whatever God has laid on your heart, let it out. This is the time to really talk to him. Imagine He is right there with You listening silently and patiently as you walk or sit. Don't rush this, but take all the time you need.


Finally at the end of your journey, you need a souvenir of your beautiful walk with Jesus. You can do this be taking a photo with your phone or camera, draw something if you are artistic, right a poem, grab a flower to press and preserve, etc. Sky is the limit, but make sure it's something that has some meaning that will help you remember this day.

And congratulations! You are all done. I hope this journey has been helpful for you and has strengthened your connection with Jesus. I want you to finish your walk feeling refreshed and your spirit joyful. Thank you for following my guide and taking this time with Jesus. I know He loved every second of it.

Please feel free to do this walk as many times as you like in different places. If this prayer walk was beneficial to you please like and share for others to enjoy. Have a blessed day!


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