Anyone who knows me knows I'm a creative person. I've created so much over the years from books, cakes, jewelry, films, and so on. It's through creating that I've come to understand God in a new way.
Creating is something inherently personal. Anyone who is a creator would agree with me that our creations are like a child to us. It's apart of who we are as we pour our time and passion into each unique creation. It's how God feels about us.
Now most of the time I see this comparison made between a parent and their child to help grasp the Father's love for us and I totally agree with this analogy. You have a child and they are a reflection of you as you teach them and guide them. Most of the time they even look like you. My comparison is not necessarily a parent's love for their child being God's sacrificial love for us, but how personal we are to Him because He created us ALL different.
So back to my analogy. When I create a piece of jewelry or a cake design, I put a lot of thought, time and effort into forming it. It usually reflects my personal style and likes as a person on top of the fact that I just love doing it. So when someone buys my jewelry or one of my cake designs it's incredibly rewarding to have someone else appreciate my work. It feels so good. On the other hand, I always take it a little personally when something I've created gets over-looked or when a cake ends up getting thrown out. It's like a silent rejection.
I think this is how God feels about us. He put a lot of thought, time, and effort into forming us in His image. He thought of our strengths, weaknesses, quirks, looks, and so on. We are representations of Him and we are creations He feels very personally about. So when others praise us or put us down, He feels that. He feels for us when we are going through highs and lows. He never makes mistakes.
"You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother’s womb." - Psalm 139:13 NLT
“I knew you before I formed you in your mother’s womb. Before you were born I set you apart and appointed you as my prophet to the nations.” - Jeremiah 1:5 NLT
Here God was speaking to Jeremiah the prophet, but the same is true for us.
To take it a step further, He also made everything around us so intricate and unique. He made all of this and He wants to share it with us, so it hurts Him when we take his gifts for granted like a beautiful sunset or the gentle scent of a flower. I know He loves us more than everything else He has created, but I think we should remember that He thought about, took the time, and made the effort to create everything around us too. It's to display his amazing power and creativity as well as a gift to us out of love.
"Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment." - 1 Timothy 6:17
OK so the analogy might not be perfect, but to me it helps me relate to God in a new way. How I feel about my creations is just a fraction of what God feels for me - for us.
What do you like to create? If you don't really have anything, get out there and create something. Try knitting, painting, writing, building something, etc. Find something you are passionate about so you can understand how passionate God is about you.
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