How does God communicate His love to you?
I heard a wonderful talk/sermon once about a guy who was seeking God and asked Him to send him hearts. For awhile He was seeing hearts everywhere He went and felt the love and connection to God. However, he went through a difficult time and grew distant from God and stopped seeing hearts. He cried out to God one day while he was out for a walk to send him a heart. Just then he looked down and right in from of him was some animal dropping in the perfect shape of a heart.
Our God has a wonderful sense of humor.
For me, for the longest time, animals have been my love letter from God. It's my pick-me-up because I can't help but smile when I see a dog out for a walk or head out the window of a car. And on July 20, 2021 God revealed His love for me in a strong way.
I had spent the previous night having terrible dreams and was in a horrible mood about our finances. It seemed like we were both stuck at our low paying jobs and we kept over spending every month and couldn't get ahead. I was feeling very stressed out and depressed.
Sitting there, I was reading my morning devotion before work and having breakfast. The devotion was about how close Moses was with God and how he was His friend. God provides, protects, and guides for those who are His. And at that moment I cried out "Am I not your friend?" I had been asking for guidance for so long on what career to pursue and what to do about our finances and wasn't hearing an answer. I just felt so low and alone.
I finished getting ready to go, kissed my dog goodbye, and headed off to work in my sour mood. I was just going through the motions, just trying to get through the day ahead.
It was extremely foggy out that morning and not too many people on the roads. I hit the breaks when I saw something emerging from the fog. A doe stood there in the middle of the road and I waited for her to flee when she saw me. To my surprise she stared right at me and a second later a cute fawn came out of the woods behind her and skipped across the road. I watched as they hopped the guard rail on the other side together and were gone.
I quickly realized I was just sitting there and started moving. Anyone could have come up behind and rear-end me.
Then it hit me: Animals are my love letter from God.
"Was that for me?" I asked, breaking into tears as my hand covered my mouth. No one else was around. No one else saw it.
Tears blurred my vision and I tried to blink them away and carefully wipe them away.
It could have been a coincidence. But I had never seen deer around our home before let alone on the way to work. I know this is not an unusual occurrence especially in New England. Me and my family have seen quite a few deer on the road late at night before. This just felt different. It was the first time this had ever happened and it happened at just the time I needed it.
It doesn't really change anything, but I'm feeling better. And it did pull me out of my sour mood as I thought about those beautiful deer and God's display of love for me. He boldly answered my question, "Am I not your friend?" with a "Yes you are." God will provide, protect, and guide me just like that doe for her fawn.
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