I have gotten really into online concerts lately. I love the experience of getting to sing along with Christian artists in a live setting even though I couldn't actually be there. Oh I wish I could but a lot of artists don't come to Massachusetts because of all the fees.
I was however blessed to see my favorite Christian artist last fall: Jeremy Camp. It was like the top thing on my bucket list and was one of the best nights of my life. No I did not do a meet-and-greet that's just weird. He's just a guy but I thing he has a great voice and I love all of his songs. They just resonate with me. He has an amazing faith story as well.

Anyway, so since then I discovered K-Love ON DEMAND has some concerts on it. I've watch several but I have to highlight the one from last year. It is almost 2hrs of the artists telling us stories and highlighted songs from each of their performances throughout the year. You get to learn about the people behind the songs and connect with them.
Now I don't know about you, but I can get really emotional when I sing songs to my Jesus.

Sometimes I'm a blubbering mess just pouring out to him in worship - even more so since I lost my job. I love singing songs to God because they can be lifted up as a prayer where the words are already mapped out for you. It's so easy to just get lost in the moment and it's one of my new favorite things. I have now even started Worship Wednesdays where I watch one of these and pour my heart out. It feels so good.
Now I know this isn't for everyone. My husband for example doesn't sing - ever. He likes listening to music, but he doesn't connect to it like I do. That's OK, but I think the concert is still worth checking out if you like Christian music. Artists like Jeremy Camp, MercyMe, Zach Williams, CAIN, Blessing Offor, and more.
They have one from 2022 I plan on checking out today. They have cool interviews and things that is worth checking out too.
So anyway that is my Pick of the Month. K-Love ON DEMAND is free on your TV and phone so what's stopping you?
May the LORD bless you today!
