The hit song "Prize Worth Fighting For" by Jamie Kimmett was released December 14, 2018. It is a Christian pop song that talks about a Christian's struggle to get through life and avoid temptation, but it's worth it because a relationship with Jesus and His help is more than worth it. Kimmet Wrote this song in response to a time in his life where he was ready to give p on his Faith snd God but he realized that he has a hope bigger than his circumstances in this world and he prays that his song encourages others to keep pressing on.(1)
This song has been used for promotional purposes. Kimmett is a fairly new artist who writes his own personal songs, but is only just starting to gain some popularity. He only has a handful of songs out for purchase now and until “Prize Worth Fighting For” he really didn’t have any major hits. This song is now used to promote the artist so hopefully he can work on producing more music.
I first heard this song when I was listening to Pandora at home. I was in the kitchen cleaning when the phrase “every choice is an act of war’ rung out and it hit me. Being a Christian almost every choice we make can be an act of war against temptation and Satan. Sure going grocery shopping doesn’t seem like an act of war but motives behind what you buy could be. It could be greed keeping you from buy heather options or gluttony in buy too many junk foods putting the temptation in the house so you over indulge later.

There are times I can feel overwhelmed with how much temptation and sin there is in the world and some days I really do feel like I’m going to war not just with the world, but internally. Every choice whether to get mad over someone driving to slow or trying to fit in by gossiping can be a battle. However, that being said I do it gratefully and willingly. Having a personal relationship with Jesus makes it worth it. He gives me unexplained peace and joy when I honestly didn’t think I could feel that way. He is a prize worth fighting to do my best for. He deserves my best just like any good friend.
This song also mentions at the very beginning it talks about faith coming and going. I think as Christians we all go through this cycle (I know I do) where we lose track of the goal and grow farther from God as other things grab out attention and that is another area we need to fight. For example spending time listening to uplifting praise music or simply watching a show on Netflix and numbing out can be hard decision. This song reminds us that we are fighting to be with God forever in Heaven and having to fight in this world to resist petty temptations won’t be all there is.

"Prize Worth Fighting For" is hopeful and uplifting and many other people agree with me. Looking through comments on Youtube for the lyric video one guy says “I love this song. I've been struggling with personal matters but this song reminds me Jesus has my back through everything. Jesus I will look to u for the rest of my days.” Another woman said “First time I hear this song, it broke me. For I’ve been going through some Ugly stuff. This song gave me strength. Thank you Jesus for your love and mercy.”(2) There are many many more comments where people have found hope and strength in this song. This song has touched many including me and I look forward to hearing more soul inspired music from Kimmett.
1 - Kimmett, J. (2019, July 23). Jamie Kimmett - Prize Worth Fighting For (Story Behind The Song). Retrieved December 11, 2019, from 2 - Kimmett, J. (2018, December 14). Jamie Kimmett - Prize Worth Fighting For (Official Lyric Video). Retrieved December 11, 2019, from