Have you ever thought about how everything works together as a whole? I mean society.

I was driving home one day from work and I was at a light. There was one car in front of me and I was going to take a right. The light turned green and the car in from of me hesitated before going just a second or two which was all the time I needed to miss hitting this guy on a little motor bike that went flying past me and into the intersection. I didn't see him coming and I was a moment from turning and hitting him. Yes the guy still makes me mad because he was recklessly driving, but the important thing was I didn't hit him.
It got me thinking about how this kind of thing happens a lot. A light you catch that saves your life because someone else runs the intersection or you barely miss something falling on your head. Can the universe just be working in harmony together? I don't think the universe is that smart, but I know God is. He can easily orchestrate things to work together in harmony to keep us safe.
I think He does this in little ways. In the instance of my almost accident with motor bike dude, if that car in front of me hadn't hesitated or maybe if that guy hadn't caught a previous light or left the house 2 seconds earlier, then things might have come out different. It reminds me of this notion my family and I have about being stuck behind a slow driver: you never know if you were going the normal speed, you might end up in an accident. God might not be just trying to teach you patience following someone going 10 under the speed limit, He could be saving your life or someone else's.
Now I know what you are thinking, "What about the accidents that do happen where people get hit and get hurt?" Yes that happens and I believe God allows it for some reason beyond our understanding, but there are a lot more near misses than hits.
So the next time you catch a light, get stuck behind a slow driver, or, heck, even be the slower driver to someone on your butt remember that God is orchestrating everything and it might just be for your own good.
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