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An Unedited Blog

I've decided to start this blog up again, but in a different way. I want to use it as some what of a journal because it will be relatively unedited. It will be entries as I work through what I see going on in the world and through my own research and walk with God. I'm posting it online because someone might find it helpful. If you disagree that is your opinion and I don't need to hear about it.

Basically it's just going to be informal. I will publish when I feel moved and talk about things that interest me. Mostly Christian of course because Jesus is a big part of my life. I actually am not doing this with an audience in mind per se. I would love for it to benefit someone and for God to use it, but it's for me. An outlit.

Let's begin. I believe Jesus is going to rapture His church sooner than most think based on all the research I've been doing and pulling together information on prophecies coming true. I'm sure many others are feeling it too. I watch and learn from many different sources about what's going on and some are Christian and some are not Christian. Everyone is saying similar things which amazes me. Even the non-Christians that see what's coming see it as bad. Most have no idea the depth of what is playing out because you really have to research to find it and a lot of people don't want to talk about it.

Two thoughts.

One: I kinda feel that Christians that are super opposed to talking about what is going on (I don't mean obsess over it, but stay informed) are clinging a little too much to this world for some reason, which can be good if you are a missionary out there trying to win one more soul, but most are scared of the rapture because they are comfortable in this life. I get it. I've been a little stressed about it too, but mostly because I don't know how much we are going to endure before the rapture. Things have been happening for years we didn't know about that has brought us here and I wish I had seen more of the unfolding process. Personally I can't wait to get out of here, but more on that later.

Two: People need to know what's going on and it's really irritating how people walk around blind and self absorbed. I'm not perfect and I certainly used to be this way to some degree, but there is just nonsense now. People need to know about the Great Reset. They need to know what people who think they are better than us are making plans to control our future. They can because we are letting them. They are hearding us like sheep with each step they take. It's like putting a frog in water and slowing raising the tempterature. We are being boiled alive. They are pulling together a new world order (look for that buzz word) in order to achieve their goals of depopulation, living forever, and control over us "useless eaters". I will shed more light on this in the future. My thought is this system they are planning is perfect to be run by one leader who will be the antichrist. Nothing up until this point has back tracked. God had slowed it down here and there but every next big step has fast tracked us toward the end.

That seems scary, but as a Christian I am not afraid of that. Yeah I'm afraid of dying painfully and persecution but in the end I'm going to heaven. I know without a doubt. My faith is solid (backed up by fact). I also beleive in the rature which means I won't be here for the tribulation when the antichrist rules. You can have that security too. If you want to know more I will always refer people to the sound pastors I study from Pastor Brett Meador at Athey Creek or Pastor Todd Cook from Sagebrush. I hope to meet you in Heaven one day.

May God bless you!


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