So as a dog mom it can be hard to find activities for our dogs. Maybe they love to play ball, but it's raining out and they don't have as much space to run inside. Sometimes our dogs just get kinda bored with the same games over and over. It has led me to research to find other things my dog might like. Some things have worked and others have not. This game was not on any of the lists I found.
I had to come up with this game about a year ago when my dog and I were outside playing and he hurt his back foot when he landed wrong after jumping for a ball. I kept him on strict bed rest for a couple days and I knew I had to keep him from jumping when we did start playing again. Somehow this idea just came to me.
How it works
You take their favorite toy (or whichever one they bring to you) and you throw it once. When they come back, you roll the toy up in an old blanket. Our dog has his own blankets and this is one we dedicated for this game. Anyway, you show it on the ground and they have to work to get the toy out. My dog pushes it around with his front paws, flinging it to try and shake the toy loose. When they get it out and bring it to you, you throw it again and repeat the process (I throw it partially to break up the activity and to give me time to pick up the blanket and get it ready to go again).
Important things to note about this game is that the blanket will slowly be destroyed as they claw and bite at it so that's why it can't be a special blanket. Also be mindful of where your dog is playing. He will be scratching at the floor which may damage flooring or rugs not suitable for that kind of wear-and-tear. My rug I got off Amazon has held up just fine though.
I have never tried this game with another dog, but I think it is worth the effort to see if your dog likes the game.
My favorite part about this game is it requires less activity from me. I just stand around while he works on getting the toy out. Sometimes I can even walk away to do things real quick while he plays. It's great for when I come home from a long day at work and he needs to play but I'm tired.
Truly this is one of my dogs favorite games and I'm so glad to mix it in with other games and activities to keep things interesting. I hope your dog likes it to. Please let me know how it works out.
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